Saturday, February 20, 2010

The most expensive coffee in the world?

One of my adopted younger sisters recently brought home a miniature bottle of "Coffee Luwak" and showed to us in the kitchen while I was helping my mom to cook.

I got a bit surprised when there were some texts written as "Coffee Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world" ! and "A cup of Coffee Luwak could cost USD 60" !

After going through some readings in the net, the selection process of these expensive coffee beans were made possible by a type of mammal known as "Asian Palm Civet".

These beans are eaten and then passed through the Civet's digestive tract in which these beans yield an aromatic coffee with much less bitterness.

It is a bit strange for me to know, nevertheless it is an interesting topic. What do you think? :)


CB said...

Yes. it's very interesting when the expensive is a coffee the flavor of the crap of a mammal? Quite disgusting :P

SinC® said...

Really interesting to test it out... gotta cover my nose soon... LOL

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